Wednesday, 15 July 2009

I was walking along the street to work this morning with a smile on my face. I must've looked like a right weirdo! Yes and to make matters worse, I didn't realise until I was quite near to my work that I was actually talking to myself - out loud! I was in my own wee world sauntering along the road (I was early), enjoying the cool breeze with a huge beamer on my face, talking about DX boxes (if you work in law you'll know what i'm talking about). I must have looked like a right thpethal (yes, say it like it's spelt, cock your head to the side, let a little drool slide out and cross your eyes for good measure - there ya go!) person. No wonder people were giving me funny looks! Which, for the record, I thought was because they were miserable and were jealous of my dazzling smile!

For anyone living/working in Edinburgh: Have you seen the sad state that Princes Street is in right now? The bins are overflowing terribly and it's so depressing to see the streets littered in rubbish. For those of you not in Edinburgh, Edinburgh City Council workers and union are currently disputing the fact that they won't get a bonus this year (or something along those lines) and are only working "to time", which basically means that they are only working their contracted hours and not doing any extra. This means that the bins along Princes Street are not being emptied and they are overflowing with rubbish (mainly Macca's bags I might add). I'm not really one to be overly worried about the environment (I know I should, consider me scolded), but seeing that terrible sight every day has me a wee bit sad. So sad, that I feel I might have to write a letter (don't know who to, but that just proves how strongly I feel about it!)

Every morning I am the first person up in my household (unless I sleep in and then I get "Rhhoooonnnnaaaaaaa! Wakey wakey!!") shouted at me. I do what I need to do and I go downstairs. My cat is normally locked up in the kitchen as she molts really bad and sometimes she is sick and we have cream carpets (not a good combination!). Usually as I'm coming down the stairs she starts headbutting the kitchen door and meowing at me and then when I open the door she winds herself around me (getting me covered in hair) as a hello. We have a little routine going. I feed her, then I go and get my stuff ready, then I come back to the Kitchen and by then she's sitting at the back door ready to go out for her morning business. Today she wasn't waiting for me at the kitchen door. I had a slight panic to myself that she was dead. I snuck towards her basket, a little scared at what I would find. But there she was tucked up in her bed. I softly said her name and she opened one eye as if to say 'I'm sleeping here, what do you want?'. She must've had a late night last night for her to still be sleeping when I came downstairs. The cheek! She soon got up when I shimmied her bed and got into our routine (I know I shouldn't have bothered her, but she was messing with my Chi!)

I had a near death experience a couple of days ago (I know, a quick intake of breath happened to me aswell). I was leaving my office with a colleague. Setting the scene: it was raining bad and we have a concrete 'landing' then 5 or 6 steps leading down the street level (imagine big georgian building). So, we were leaving the office and because we were walking far I put my trainers on. As I stepped out onto the landing my left foot went from under me. Then, when I put my right foot down, it went too. If you can close your eyes and imagine a kid with those "Heelies" on (the ones with the wheels in the heels) - that was me. I was Heeling it! Although it happened super fast, my Heeling was something my 9 year old nephew would be proud of. I was however, dangerously out of control and close to the 5 or 6 concrete steps. In my quick reflexiness (yes, that's a word), I flung my left arm out to try to grab onto something - anything! I managed to come into contact with the wrought Iron fence that lines our stairs and building. Didn't quite manage to grab it more than whack my wrist against it, and using my uber-strong arm muscles, stop myself from falling down the stairs. My colleague wasn't much good - she just stood there and watched me!

I now have a wee bruise on my wrist and I think i've broken a bone in my right foot! You know how your whole body jerks, well I did something with my right foot and now its all swollen (still, 2 days later) and I can't move my toes. Yeah, should really go and get that checked out. Just another war story to tell the grandkids!

Just had a phone call from a lad asking me how many bodies I had in my office. I don't know who laughed more, him or me! I hope nobody was spying into the phone conversation - might have the police at my door with a search warrant!

Rhona out.

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

I haven't blogged in a while (I am beginning to sound like a broken record with that opening sentence!) It's not that I forget to blog, it's just that sometimes don't have anything to say (I know, shock horror, right?!)

Nothing that interesting has happened in the past few weeks - apart from the big news that i'm going to Vegas! Yeah baby!! My friend is getting married next July (in a hotel, not a drive through!) and so i'm totally going to be going for support! I sooooo can't wait! The big bright lights, the jaw-dropping sights...and the chance to meet my Ashton Kutcher (if you've seen What Happens in Vegas, you'll know what I mean). Going to spend a few days there then go travelling to either Phoenix to stay with my cousin (if he'll have me!) or to LA to rub shoulders with famous people! I can't wait!

So how about all the MJ hype? I was gutted when I heard. I actually had tickets to go to London to see him. Oh well, there won't be a trip for me in September! I watched part of the memorial concert last night. I wasn't upset or anything until his daughter spoke at the end...gosh I was bawling my eyes out after that!

I'm having a little creative spurt at the moment. I've written a couple of songs, and i'm now in the mood to start writing a novel. But i'm lacking the inspiration on the theme/topic. Any suggestions or ideas? Help would be appreciated! And if I finish it and it gets published then I'll remember to thank you in it!

Anyway, best do some work. Just been told by a colleague that the current generation of doctors and interns at the local hospital are pretty hot - i'm now thinking about going back and doing nursing. I'm actually a bit serious about this - everyone tells me I have the right nature to work as a nurse, and its always been something that's been on my mind. Hmmm opinions?

OK that's a pretty eclectic blog right there. Hehe sorry!

Rhona out.