Wednesday, 21 October 2009
...absolutely RAWKS! There...that's my little bit of girl-love for this blog out of the way!
So i'm sitting in my brand spanking new flat with my rooooomie. Picture the scene. It is 2129, RB is sitting on the right side of the room on a chair with her feet on the Poof. RD is sitting on the left side of the room on the couch, with her feet on the table. The lights are dimmed, the TV is off, our curtains are semi closed. No, i'm sorry homies, this is not the start of Rhona's Erotic Stories.... we are both sitting earphones in watching some online television. YES you guessed it...we FINALLY got internet in the flat! So we can finally be anti-social but social a the same time! How awesome! I did fail to mention that we are both drinking flutes of Champagne aswell as it is RD's birthday today. Internet on her birthday...I couldn't have planned it any better, eh! What a good roooomie I am!
So, I've just listened to Britney's new single, 3. Is anyone loving it as much as me? Not so much the lyrics or melody, but the track is pretty addictive and it had my foot pretty much tapping away as soon as it kicked in so that can only be a good thing. But then, now I come to think of it, my foot pretty much taps at anything with a beat (its the musician in me!) so maybe it's not such a good thing afterall!
Ya'll know how I've got a balcony in my flat (is it "in" or "on" my flat? I've just typed, deleted and re-typed about 3 times and I still don't know), well where my chair is on the right side of the room, I have a pretty good view of all the flats across the grass (my block is in a semi circle with grass in the middle) and I can pretty much see right through from one side to the other. Of course, that means they can see us, but hey...we don't think of it that way! We have already made up names for our delightful neighbours and as the days pass you will no doubt hear about them. To be completely honest, I can sort of see how people can become stalkers, or obsessed with their neighbours!
We have two young lads directly across the way whom we have nicknamed Chandler and Bing (yes I know that's not right, but there is a story behind it). Chandler rides he bike home from work and looks to be pretty straight down the line. Bing, on the other hand, looks a bit rougher. He smokes and (shock horror) has had a girl on his balcony! It is quite worrying that I know this. The problem is that when we get back from work, which is usually around the same time, we get in, grab a drink and go and wind down on the it really my problem that they tend to be most active when we are out there enjoying the moment?
We also have Screech above us. At the moment he likes the dance version of "Bad Boys" by Alexandra Burke and most nights he can be found prancing around his balcony screeching (yes, I said screeching) at the top of his lungs and might I say, a tad out of tune! We thought that someone had Singstar hooked up to a PA system, but no, he just has an incredible set of lungs. I must correct my technicality is not even Screech's is his boyfriends. You wonder how I know this? Ha! I must not reveal my sources.
So, I come to the end of my blog. Phew I hear you say? Don't worry, i'll be back with another instalment soon. If you're lucky, I'll introduce you to Mr and Mrs Clause and their Elf-child.
Rhona out.
Labels: flat
Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Labels: Frenzy
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Hello blogger viewers!
It's been a while, eh! A whole month! Mucho has happened in that time and I thought it was about time that I put fingers to keys and let ya'll know, since I just KNOW everyone is itching to know what is going on in the world of Rhona!
Well, probably the biggest news that I have is that I'VE MOVED!!! It finally arrived, and after some little problems with our agents (the letting agents, not MI5) we got to move in. It is AWESOME! Since I viewed the flat in July, which had only been for about 10 minutes or so, in the days leading up to the move it was difficult to visualise it all and everything was getting smaller and smaller in my head until I was convinced I was moving into a shoebox....but oh how I was wrong! The flat is HUGE and can comfortable fit loads of people! Been in there just over a week now and I'm still getting used to 5 minute travelling into work instead of my old hour travelling time! We have a large private balcony which overlooks the development, and since we are on the fourth floor we see pretty much everything. The view from our bedrooms looks right out over to the Firth of Fourth and the Fourth rail and road bridges, all the way over to Fife and's a pretty amazing view and I will post pictures as soon as I can get a decent on one my crappy old phone (see previous blog as to why i'm having to use an old one!. Anyway, enough gushing about the flat!
I'm having a Pampered Chef party next weekend. I'm quite excited about it as it's the first one that i'll be hosting outwith my mother's house! She's going to be making a lovely vegetable ring for us all and I suspect that it's going to be a success. If you have not heard of PC before, please look up their website ( The stuff may be slightly more expensive than what you'd find in Tescos, but the quality is unmatched. Really excellent stuff!
Anyway, that's my blog for today...interesting, wasn't it!
ps. On a sad note, my fat cat Misty passed away not long after I sent my last blog. I miss her :'(
Rhona out.
Labels: flat