Wednesday, 13 January 2010


I slept for 15 hours straight last night/today. Ace.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Not really blogged for a while, on either blogs that I have.  My book that is in progress is currently sitting on my work's server so although I have been hit with a bit of inspiration, I will have to make do with blogging a bit of random crap!

Christmas was a bit hectic, as usual...and in true festivity style-ee I lost complete track of days and time and got drunk...that's what it's all about, isn't it?  I was quite sad with the weather just before Christmas as it looked as though I & G could not make it up from down the south of England to spend it up in Scotland with my family.  With mucho thanks to an Engineer from Birmingham (don't ask!) they managed to drive up on the 23rd.  Was ace to see with again and we had a good laugh with them.  Fortunately I was off work right through so I got to spend alot of time with them and the kids.  I went to my mother's on Christmas eve and didn't go back until the 27th...I was craving "me time" by then!  Unfortunately, it was a flying visit as I was travelling down to Penzance on the 28th!  Picture:  3 grown adults sharing a transit van for 10 hours!  Luckily I know I & G very well and so it wasn't awkward or anything!  Thank goodness.  We had made a pact to not eat any garlic or brocolli the night before!

New Year was spent in Penzance at a house party.  Was really civil and not too exciting, which suited me fine!
Went back to work last Tuesday and I think I need a holiday already!  You know when you've got soooo much to do but don't know where to start?  Well that was me last week!  It's half 11 on Sunday night right now and i'm already going through in my head what I need to do tomorrow - how sad is that!?

It is now Monday lunch time as I gave up on blogging last night after I got a little distracted by looking up BeyoncĂ©'s music videos on youtube.  Wow that girl can really sing and dance.  I just love to watch her perform - she just makes everything look so easy.  Bitch!  Haha!

This morning I have achieved the following:

Set up Tweetdeck.
Added Twitter to Tweetdeck.
Added Facebook to Tweetdeck.
Tweeted and FB'd about getting Tweetdeck.
Downloaded Opera.
Downloaded weather widget for Opera.
Set up speed dials for Opera.
Told R that it was -1 in the office and that snow was on it's way.
Little bit of Filing.
Emailed both mother and sister.
Typed one letter and had one admin meeting with R.

Frankly, I think I have achieved alot!

We have our Asda shopping coming tonight, woohoo!  We've gone all weekend with no food in the flat, so it will be good to finally have some stuff in, though having said that I made an awesome chicken curry with coconut and pineapple last night for us both.  I really do rock.

I had a major weekend of Gavin and Stacey.  I had never watched it before, however obtained all 3 series for Iz when I was in Penzance so thought I'd give it an episode to see what it was like and surprise surprise I was hooked!  Though now I keep getting little quips stuck in my head.  I absolutely love the Welsh accent and Ruth Jones, who played Nessa was just fabulous in it!  She co-wrote it along with James Cordon (the larger than life half of Horne & Cordon)  in G&S, instead of saying "oi!", she'd just say "Oh!" and she just makes it sound so funny!  She also said alot "what's ocurring?" and I said it today.  How weird, eh!?  I just loves it!

It's half 12 and i'm starting to think about what I want for lunch.  Can't decide between a subway and a baked potato.  Think the tattie will win, but who knows!  Haha!

Ok, randomness over for today, unless I can think of anything else!

Rhona out.