Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Yesterday I sent an email to my work chums to give them the address to this blog so that they could keep track of where I am, etc whilst I'm away. One of my chums is a girl called Rosie, who is our Receptionist and Admin Assistant. I know she's reading this....Hello Rosie! Rosie is funny. Rosie is blonde. Put the two together and it makes for an interesting working environment. (for instance, she asked me what "diariase" meant earlier today! Granted, some engineers can take it too far, but on the whole it is harmless blonde fun (no insults intended)! Rosie has been hovering over me today. She says she's just quiet work-wise, and as her supervisor, I agree, but I have a different theory. Today is my last day with my work before I head off on my travels and I think it's affected her deeply (she'll be sitting at her desk laughing by now as she reads this!). She may be in denial about the fact, but I think she's going to miss me dearly! Rosie and I have a close personal bond at the moment and I know that I am the reason that she gets up the morning to come to work (ok, now everyone in the office will be laughing at this!)
She's going to miss me soooo much!
So, on a brighter note, I've passed my Federation Against Software Theft exam that I had to sit for my work...woohoo!! Those who know me will find it absolutely hilarious that I had to sit an exam about software theft! Talk about ironic!!!
Labels: work
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Woohoo...guess what came through the post today......yep, you're brand-spanking-new-PASSPORT!!!
Woohoo, just updated my Visa too, so definately organised on that front now!
Yay, I love it when a plan comes together!!!
Labels: australia
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
I am completely not organised at all. Slightly panicking...I don't even have my passport yet! I had to send it away to get it renewed and i've not got it back. At what point do you really start panicking about that kind of thing? Now? A week before? I'm kinda running out of time! I have decided that i'm going to keep this blog up to date whilst i'm away so that everyone can keep informed as to how i'm doing (I'm sure ya'll are happy about that!)
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
So weekend was spent with my twinny in Essex. Was fabby! My flight on Sunday night was due to get into Edinburgh at 2210. I was in Edinburgh at that time, but circling overhead as the stupid airport decided to close because of the bad weather. This unfortunately meant that we would be diverted to another airport. We couldn't go to Glasgow (the nearest) as they had already received too many diverts so we were told it would either be Newcastle or Belfast! In the end, it was decided on Newcastle, so a swift U-turn later and we were on our way back down south. By the time we landed in Newcastle it was closer to midnight than 2210. We then couldn't disembark the plane as the terminal was too busy - so an HOUR later we had shuttle buses take us to the terminal...where we stood waiting for another 20 minutes for them to let us into the arrivals where there were 6 coaches waiting to take us the 2 hour journey north to Edinburgh.
So, on we piled to the waiting coaches and 2 hours later we arrived at Edinburgh Airport - at 0345!! I then I had to wait 15 minutes for a taxi to show up to take me home. home just after 0430. Fun, I hear you say.....really NOT. I then had to try to explain to my work why I wasn't going to be in in the morning, which they were none too pleased at (which is sort of understandable after having a week off sick prior to the weekend - I had the flu - see previous blog!)
Anyway, back at work now, photo's of weekend are uploaded on FB and it's now just 3 weeks til I go to Australia (and more importantly, 2 weeks til I finish up at work!)
Whilst I was in Essex, we took a day trip to Colchester Zoo. Although my English buddies were complaining of the cold (they just can't hack the weather, which was warm by my standards!), it was an ace day! I have posted the following picture as it was an amazing moment, and one I'll probably not see again in my lifetime. This Tiger was just sitting looking at the path ahead of him (probably eyeing up his next dinner) and didn't mind that the 3 of us were taking photo's of it. We happened upon him when no-one else was around so we got him all to ourselves! Just simply stunning. His friend came over when we were there, so i've put his picture here too (credit to Jules for the latter).

Wednesday, 4 February 2009
It's Wednesday night and I'm feeling awful. I've been in bed the past 2 days with the flu and I'm still suffering hot and cold shivers. It's been planned for weeks now that i'm going to Essex tomorrow night for the weekend to spend the weekend with my twinny and her husband. It's bloody typical! I'm sure I'll be fine!
So I go to Australia in FOUR weeks!! How awesome is that!!!