Tuesday, 24 February 2009

One week and one day. Not that i'm counting or anything. It's been a stressy past couple of weeks. Work has been busy, the magnitude of what i'm doing has hit home and i've had an awful flu that I can't quite kick. Fun!
I am pretty sure that i'm organised (operative word being 'pretty'). I have my passport (yay!), I have a bag, I have new clothes, I have my e-tickets and I have money. Hmmm still need to get that travel insurance though - that's high on the priorities.

I have just told my work colleagues and friends that I'll be keeping this blog updated whilst i'm away, so best not speak too personally about people now! Haha! It's my last day at work tomorrow and I have a temp in doing my job for the next two months. It's weird training someone to do my job, knowing that i'm coming back to take it over again. That's the other thing i'm not looking forward to...I'm basically taking a 2 month holiday from my 0845 - 1730 (haha, not 9-5) job and then i'm going to have to come back in May and work again. How depressing is that! I can't think of it too much though, I'm too excited right now!

On Sunday Father Jack did some recordings so that a demo CD could be passed round potential venues for us to play. I've not heard the final article yet, but through the headphones we sounded like a proper band (shock horror!) I can't wait to hear it properly! See my links for the FJ blog.

On a separate note, i'm sure you all know that I have a spiritual twinny, who lives down in Essex...sorry, Leigh-on-Sea to be exact. We met quite randomly through a RPG-style game online called Second Life around a year ago. We clicked straight away and I can quite honestly say she is one of my best friends, even though we've only met twice and she lives hunners of miles away! Its weird sometimes, I can know how she's feeling without her saying anything to me, and always know what she's talking about, even if it makes no sense to anyone else (and vice-versa!) She's helped me through some real tough times, especially when it came to my relationship with God and my many "what ifs" and "can I really do this" questions and fears I had. I'd like to say I've been there for her too, but you'd have to ask her on that one! We have a shared passion for singing (you can see previous posts about this - or the link on the right) and she has her own blog (again, link on right). I don't know what i'm going to do for the next two months if I don't speak to her every day, like I do right now!

So the point to all this twin-love i've been sharing....she's (oh, her name is Jules) not been very well the past few months. It's been very difficult for her, her husband, her family, her friends and her work colleagues as no one knew what the diagnosis was. She was passed from doctor to doctor all with the same answer (a shrug and "I don't know what's wrong - deal with it"). Finally she managed to get an appointment with a top specialist in a private clinic in London. Eventually, she found out the diagnosis (just on Monday) that it's not as serious as she feared and that there's a cure!! YAY!! I'm so happy for her that finally she will be able to find some finality to it all. She'll be able to understand why she's hurting and that there are ways to make her better. She's shown some real strength the past few months and I'm sooo proud of her. She's had bad days, really bad days and even worse days where the frustration has proved to be too much, but she's a trooper and has finally seen the light at the end of the tunnel. Good on you Jules, there's definately someone watching over you - may you open your eyes to see, your ears to hear and clarity when you breath in to understand the lesson you have been taught.

Hmm ok, I've just re-read this blog and it seems i'm talking alot about Jules...I sound a little special! I'm not deleting it though, as I think it needs to be said! Haha, it's just a little "girl-love, between two girls"! (any Scrub fans will know what i'm talking about!)


  1. Jules said...
    Aww you're so sweet. Thanks for being proud of me and everything, and thank you for being a support to me when things have been tough.

    I'm gunna miss you soooooo much when you go away! But as soon as you're back i'll be on a flight up to Edinburgh to celebrate our birthdays! Yay!

    I got the Scrubs reference right away by the way, haha. Geeks!
    Jules said...
    P.S. You should get a Twitter account... you can text "tweets" which are a bit like Facebook statuses, from your phone. Its like micro-blogging. Would mean it would be easier to share your little moments with all your friends/family without texting everyone and without making a whole entry. You can get a blogger app for it too.

    RB said...
    Wow Jules you should be on commission with that ps!

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