Friday, 3 April 2009

bad dreams

I don't know if I've told you this or not, and I can't be bothered looking through my older posts, but i've been having the strangest of dreams since coming to Australia. The couple weeks ago I dreamt that someone came into my bedroom and smothered me with a pillow. Naturally, I woke up gasping for air and in a complete panic. Last night I had the worst one to date. And since I need to express what happened in order to move past it and get the images out of my mind, i'm going to sidestep the australian travels and talk about my dream. I did try to explain it to Jason this morning, but I was still distraught and I don't think he liked hearing about it. If you don't want to know about it, I suggest you stop reading......NOW.

So, Jason (the guy i'm staying with in Australia) and I were out drinking (celebrating my birthday) in Edinburgh (of all places!) The two of us were walking home at the end of the night along Cowgate (a well known pub district in Edi) and just as we were about to walk round a corner a huge gang of rioters/mob yielding guns (the old style from like WWII) and lit torches came marching round the corner in front of us and before we could get out of their way or anything one of the men at the front said "there's a man" and shot Jason. The first shot I thought they were kidding around, but then Jason hit the ground after the second and third shot. I hadn't noticed before, but we were attached round the waist, with what I can only describe as strong clingfilm (you know what I mean?) so obviously I hit the deck at the same time. Another man was about to shoot him, but I started screaming "He's already dead!" and lay on top of him sort of as a shield incase he started moving. So they just kept on walking past, not caring that I was still alive. I managed to push him and I against the wall at the side of the street so that no one trampled on us and frantically searched for a pulse, which thankfully was going strong. Weirdly, there was no blood from anywhere, but he was unconscious. As the last of the rioters passed, one man said to me that I had better get him off the street before the next lot of men marched past. So I quickly rolled us both onto the side of the road and we were both lying half in the gutter, half on the street. I managed to free my phone from my pocket and dialled "000", which is the emergency number in Oz (weird though - it's as though I knew where I was at the present time even though my dream was set in Edinburgh) so obviously I couldn't get through to anyone. Two taxi's and three ambulances were about to drive past me and one of the taxi's stopped, which had two police officers in it and they helped me get Jason into the taxi. They knew all about the rioting, but couldn't do anything about it because there were too many of them for the police force to handle. At this point Jason roused and was all panicked and because we were still attached he was sort of lying over me so I was sort of cradling him (if you know what I mean) and he just kept looking at me saying that it was really hurting. I was talking to him and trying to stop the blood (which I still couldn't see). The taxi was en-route to the hospital but as we turned the corner (and this is the major part I can't get over) the taxi came to an abrupt halt and there was quick silence. Looking out of the taxi window all you could see was devastation. Hundreds of men were littering the street, but not lying on the ground, they had been "skewered" by big poles and looked like they were just standing there, but were obviously dead (perhaps because of the skeweredness!?). There were little fires dotted around and I just remember complete silence. It was how I would imagine one of those old apocalyptic films to be after baddies had raided a town killing everyone they come across. Then, the rioters came from all directions and there was no where for the taxi to go and Jason was slipping fast. The two police officers and I did all we could, but in the end Jason died in my arms. At that point I woke up in a cold sweat. I don't think i'll ever forget his face or how I felt about the whole situation in that dream. It is by far the worst bad dream i've ever had and anyone who knows me will tell you I can have some right weird ones.

I woke up with tears down my face, so I had obviously been acting out my emotions through the dream.

So what do you all make of that then? I'd quite like to know what you think, so please comment. I need to rationalise it in my head so that I can get over it.

Ok, promise my next post will be about something a bit cheerier.

Rhona out.


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