Monday, 18 May 2009

birthday blues

Yesterday was my 26th birthday. I have to admit that it wasn't the best of birthday's that I've had. Although I had a mini party, and my friends were all around me at some point of the weekend, I wasn't completely happy. Actually, you could say that I had a wee bout of depression. I needed one person to contact me, who I knew could pull me out of it, but they didn't until Monday morning and by then it was too late!

Leaving for work this morning I was told by my far-too-chipper mother that it was a Saturday service on the buses and so instead of getting my normal fast bus, I had to get the bus that stops at every single stop along the way. Fun. Then I got to work to find out that the cleaners hadn't done the dishes over the weekend, so had to spend the first 15 minutes of my Monday morning washing and drying the dishes.

All in all not a very good start to my 26th year.

Whilst talking to a colleague this morning I've decided that birthdays are not as much fun as they used to be, so for my 30th, i'm taking it back to basics. I'm going to have a fun birthday party. With Jelly and Ice cream, bouncy castle, musical chairs and pass the parcel, etc. I'm thinking most of my friends would be up for it (well, it is in 4 years time so that might change).

Just found out that yet another task has been bestowed upon me at my work...organising our work night out for Christmas. Fun. I hated doing it in my other jobs, so it stands to reason that I will hate doing it here. I might have to delegate it all to Rosie. She's excited about it - hmmmm yep, she can do it.

Grrrr busy day today and I can't get motivated.

Rhona out.


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