Tuesday, 3 November 2009

with or without you

My window is at street level and usually it's quite a boring view of the street outside. Occasionally we have excitement. The other day there was a entourage of posh 4x4's with a police escort coming out of the huge 5* hotel next door to us. We sometimes have the mounted police come by on their beautiful horses (which are massive by the way!). BUT the créme de la créme has to be our little musician. He walks past my window every day singing at the top of his lungs. Unfortunately he cannot sing very well, only has one song in his repertoire and only seems to know the words to the chorus! We can usually hear him before we see him. His song of choice is...yep, you've guessed it, With or Without You by U2. He's pure class and brightens up our office every day!

On an extra plus side....I've booked my ticket for Frenzy! Woot woot! I'm not going to go into detail about it again - look at previous blog for details.

I went to a family haloween party on Saturday night. It was actually more of a birthday party, but they made it fancy dress. It was actually a really good night! Apart from my drunken mother and step-father, who got drunk extremely fast and were EXTREMELY embarrasing! Can't have it all, eh!? I then had a traumatic journey home where I came across a lady who was a bit lost and distressed and in the end I had to call the police as she had no idea how she had gotten there, where she'd been, etc and her trousers were undone. But worrying and it was in the bad part of Edinburgh so had to take no chances! Got home an hour later after having to give a statement, etc. FUN and GAMES!!

Actually, never a dull moment in my life. This morning a guy on my bus started shouting at someone down his phone telling the poor guy that he was going to "split your f***ing face open you f***ing Pr**k!" I do think he was on something as he was stottering about all over the place. Unfortunately he was standing right in front of me so I was a bit nervous that he was going to turn around and give all us bus-goers an example of his threats and use me as his guinea pig. To the rescue came the bus driver who politely asked him to stop swearing and to lower his voice. Unfortunately the bus driver was Asian and the man with anger issues was a bit of an -ist so turned on the bus driver. It was extremely intense! So the man with apparent issues got off the bus, but then decided that he wasn't happy so tried to get back on the bus to have an encounter with the bus driver. Luckily the traffic lights changed and we got away, but wow kudos to my lovely bus driver for being brave - nobody else on the bus was saying anything!!

Whilst we're on the subject of buses, I got extremely bored the other day when I was on a particularly long bus journey that I started making a swan out of my bus ticket. Check out my creativity!!

I've booked my ticket to see New Moon on the 20th. Soooo excited!

Rhona out.


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