Thursday, 29 January 2015

I'm sure there's loads you can do in seven months. Apart from have a baby. But actually, even some people have a baby at seven months if it's a premy, so disregard that last (false) statement. Okay, so let's be a bit more specific...the things I have done in seven months (I say seven months because that's hoe long it's been since my last post):

1. I have gone back to work. It's been a relatively easy transition to be honest. My first day back was a bit nerve wracking, but everyone was really lovely and they made me feel really relaxed. I had problems the first few days with getting out of breath, but the big bosses were really understanding and went out of their way to help me out. I did end up doing a whole season of late shifts though, which ended up being a bit of a strain but it's sort of even itself out now and I get a good mixture of days and lates. No 0330 starts yet which I'm happy about and am not looking forward to seeing the first one next to my name.  I'm sure it's bound to be there soon enough!

2. I crashed my brand new car! No, I'm not joking! My second day back at work I was given access to a different car park and the first day of using said new car park I totally cocked it up and crashed into a kerb next to the barriers. Not fun.  I had to phone for a tow truck because it was undrivable and in the end took a week to fix and costs my insurance £1700. Sucks to be me huh!

3. I am off the Warfarin. You could even say that I am back to normal. Well, mostly. I still have an irregular heartbeat which I have to get respiratory physio for but things are going well and hopefully in the next few months I'll be given the all clear completely. My carbon dioxide levels are a bit too low than a healthy person but the physio will help rectify that and maybe I'll be the next person to sign up to a half marathon (haha yeah right!)

4.  I no longer have to introduce myself as 'single'. Yep, you heard it here, well, last. It's been an emotional ride to get here and I totally believe in everything happening for a reason. It's been a learning curve vue and. It an easy one at that. But if nothing else, I've learnt just how much patience I have, how great my ability is to hold on to the faintest of strings in a foundation, even I should have (perhaps) let go. It's certainly not been easy but it has been a much needed distraction from my poorly health and I like the boy, so I suppose it's all good overall. Remember, the good Lord gave us mountains so that we could learn how to climb.

5. I moved out. Yes, and in with the boy. No, I can't quite believe it either. It's a bit surreal and sometimes I still go to take the wrong junction home to go to my mums.  It's been a roller coaster of a ride to get here but we seem to be working, even though we have a lot of bad days. But that's nor all for a transitioning couple, isn't it? We both habits, we both have baggage, we both have mood swings and an introverted personality and yes, we get on each other's nerves. A lot. But it's a process and we just have to take one day at a time. It's not easy for either of our stubborn personalities and yes, old habits die hard, but at least we are under no illusion about each other...neither of us are perfect.

6. Hmmm...I can't think of a sixth so I think that's my seven month update. Good and bad has happened, but I'm grateful for both. One wouldn't cope without the other I don't think. If everything was rosy all the time I'd get bored. I haven't done much writing lately but I'm slowly getting back into it and have some good ideas running around in my head which I'll get around to writing down at some point. Been contemplating going back to studying too, just don't know whether it will be my OU degree or perhaps a paralegal course to get me a better paid job (which I desperately need now that my salary is shared!). It's a difficult decision which I haven't processed in my head yet. I guess I just want to get through the next few months as smoothly as I can whilst my wage is at a minimum and then think a bit more about it when it's summer season and I'm bringing in all the overtime and big bucks!

Okay, well until next time...

Rhona out.


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