Tuesday, 27 January 2009


Yes, I can admit it. I have an addiction. No, it's not drugs. It's worse than that. It makes me hyper and all buzzed up.

Yes, you've guessed it. It's RAINBOW DROPS!!! You know, the cool sugar coated maize and rice puffs. Man, they are ACE!! I bought some out of Somerfield the other day for a sense of nostalgia...and now i'm hooked! I've quit coffee and taken up Rainbow Drops!

Just so that ya'll know what i'm spraffin' on about, here's a wee pic (see how i'm incoporporating more photo's in my blog too...2 birds with one stone and all that!)

If you go to their website you get to watch a video of them being made! And sign up for competitions, etc. Hmmmm was a bit embarrasing though when i signed up for the newsletter (that's not the embarrassing bit!) and it asked me if I had my parent's consent to sign up!! Something not right there!

Anyhoo, must go annoy fellow colleagues with my hyperness now (i've had a full bag already and it's only 1030am!)


  1. Jules said...
    I must say, that is a weird addiction! Haha. I don't think I even like Rainbow Drops!
    RB said...
    No way!! You cant NOT like them!! I'm bringing some down with me next week to force feed you!!!!
    Jules said...
    They're just like colourful, overly sugared, bobbly rice crispies. Don't see the attraction from those compared to a Wispa!

    Is it really next week?!
    RB said...
    Haha apart from the fact that they are better for you than Wispa's and last a bit longer! Though if I had a Wispa, I know what i'd have first!!

    LOL yep, really is next week! Singstar watch out!!

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