Friday, 23 January 2009

Hmmm I had loads to write about earlier today when I was at work, but then I had two mega meetings that I had to go to, which took up the whole day so didn't have a chance to blog, therefore it's all gone straight out of my mind!

I've not been my usual perky self this week. I took a "funny" turn on Sunday whilst at church. My face went all spasmy and I couldn't move my mouth or anything. It was how I would imagine having a stroke would be like. Then, Monday I had a nose bleed, then again on Tuesday night. Wednesday I felt like death warmed up, real sluggish and feeling faint, so I went home from work early. Today I'm just knackered! Unfortunately for me, I picked the busiest week ever to not be well and i've been in and out of meetings all week. How is it that you go into a meeting with nothing on your "to-do list" and end up coming out of it with 2 or 3 pages worth! Honestly!!

Anyway, I had to get myself a new Ipod this week as my old one broke and there was no chance that I was going to go to Australia without any music to keep my occupied for the 29 hours that it's taking to get there!

So, if you've read my previous blogs you will know that I am in a band called Father Jack. Yes, some of you may know it as Hands up for Norris!, but we decided on Father Jack instead. I have set up a blog for FJ, the link for which can be found on the right hand side of this page. We will be updating it frequently and will aim to post pictures, clips and videos as we collect them. Feel free to check it out!

1 Comment:

  1. Jules said...
    I hope you rest lots this weekend young lady! You need to be fit and well for your Essex trip now dontcha!

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